Thursday, December 1, 2016

happy d e c e m b e r

Yes, December. 
It is here,
am I prepared?
Not at all. 
I just want to 
keep something 
in mind for these 
next 31 days...
As we prepare to
usher in a brand spanking
new year,
lets not get so caught
up in what is on 
display in other peoples
Comparison is a thief that 
robs you of what is 
right under your nose.
Be aware of and
thankful for each
good thing, trust me
you will never run 
out of things to
be grateful for.

This can be a hard 
time of year for many.
Reach out, love on them.
If you find yourself
overdrawn and unfulfilled,
reach out and love on someone
I know its hard,
but getting stuck in "it"
will only pull you
further from the joy 
you crave.

Lets be different.
Lets be happy with what
we already have, 
so that anything
above or beyond that 
truly feels like
the blessing that
it is. 

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