Saturday, April 16, 2016

You Are Not Alone

My life, sigh, my life.
Today a slate was wiped clean, a blog I had kept for 6 years disappeared with one accidental click. 
Every funny antidote, memory that i'd rather soon forget, every meme and gif, every well thought out and even a few of those 'fly by the seat of your pants' posts is g o n e.
Nobody, including myself, can ever read about my terrible journey through divorce and the many heart breaks that followed, or copy that one recipe that I really should have written down. 

This might actually be the best thing that could have happened. 
They say the only way to heal a wound is to stop touching it. 
Poof, Bandaid gone.

Though I hadn't posted on that blog in awhile because of the heavy weight it kept me under,
I still have a story pulsing through my veins and a heart to share.
Girl : Rising, represents me coming back from all that tried to burn me to ash. 
I am the phoenix, I am rising. 
I'm fighting for me, this will be a place of honesty, a place of hope. 
A place to come for those whose hearts are heavy, to know that you are not alone and you will make it through whatever life has handed you. I promise.
I don't intend to dwell in sadness anymore, I strive to continue rising and continue bettering myself.

This blog will touch on every aspect of health:
> Physical
> Mental
> Spiritual
> Financial
> Romantical (shhh, it's a word)
> Social

 The plans that I had for me are coming undone, and I couldn't be more excited for where God will lead me, for where I am headed. 

Lets be encouraging, 
lets be life giving, 
lets be adventurers as we head down this path less traveled of self love so contagious that it will overflow into the community of hurting and lost women around us. 

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